Active film from chitosan incorporating green tea extract for shelf life extension of pork sausages

Active film from chitosan incorporating green tea extract for shelf life extension of pork sausages

Author: Ubonrat Siripatrawan and Suparat Noipha

Chitosan film incorporating green tea extract (CGT-film) was used as active packaging for shelf life extension of pork sausages. The physical, chemical, microbiological, and sensory qualities of pork sausages wrapped with CGT-film were compared with those wrapped with chitosan-alone film (C-film) and those without chitosan film wrapping (control). Changes in the qualities of pork sausages including color, texture, lipid oxidation with respect to thiobarbituric value (TBA), and microbiological qualities including total plate counts, yeasts and molds, and lactic acid bacteria were determined throughout the storage at 4 °C. The sensory qualities including odor, color, slime formation, and overall acceptability were evaluated using Quantitative Descriptive Analysis. It was found that samples wrapped with CGT-film showed lower changes in color, texture, TBA value, microbial growth, and sensory characteristics than those wrapped with C-film and control, respectively. Successful inhibition of lipid oxidation and microbial growth in the refrigerated pork sausages was possible with chitosan film incorporating green tea extract. The results suggested that incorporation of green tea extract into chitosan film could enhance the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of the film and thus maintained the qualities and prolonged the shelf life of the sausages.


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