Buckwheat Soba Noodles with Matcha Pea Pesto

[[ recipeID=recipe-2m2b0gs43, title=Buckwheat Soba Noodles with Matcha Pea Pesto ]]
It's rare for dishes to be equally good served warm or cold, but this is one of them. Good soba noodles are such a delight; they have an earthy, almost nutty flavor and a great mouthfeel and texture. Buckwheat is a pseudo grain related to rhubarb, and the seeds produce a creamy, nutty flour. The peas and matcha bring out the natural sweetness of the noodles.
You can easily double or triple the pesto and have it around -- great dipping sauce for veggies.
Makes about 2/3 cup of pesto.
Serves 2.