Antioxidant activities, sensory and anti-influenza activity of grape skin tea infusion

Antioxidant activities, sensory and anti-influenza activity of grape skin tea infusion

Author: Alaa El-Din A. Bekhit and Vern Jou Cheng and Michelle McConnell and Jenny H. Zhao and Richard Sedcole and Roland Harrison

Grape skin extracts from pinot noir and pinot gris exhibited significant in vitroantiviral (influenza virus) activity. Five tea infusions from grape skins (Vitis vinifera var. pinot noir and pinot gris) without any additives (control pinot noir and control pinot gris) or by adding variable amounts of green tea and hibiscus were investigated as a means to utilise wine wastes. The antioxidant activities (DPPHscavenging capacity and superoxide anion radical scavenging capacity), total phenolics, the polyphenolics profile and objective colour measurements (CIELab) were determined on freeze-dried water extracts of all five tea infusions, hibiscus and green tea. The colour parameters, L and a values, varied widely (P < 0.05) for all the infusions as a result of having different levels and variety of pigments. The tea infusions exhibited weak antioxidant activity and the antiviral activity in grape skin appears not related to phenolics contents.



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