Matcha and Addiction

Matcha and Addiction

Am I addicted to matcha? Probably. But what does this mean exactly?

The most common definition of addiction is probably something like: the continued use of a mood altering substance or behavior despite adverse consequences. The most obvious addictions that fit this definition for many people are abuse of drugs and alcohol, sex, gambling, and even exercise.

But what do you call the continued use of a mood-altering substance that brings about excellent consequences? Do we even have a word for that?

A partial list of these excellent consequences might include modest weight loss, increased energy without jitteriness, heightened mental acuity and clarity, a general calmness, lowered blood pressure and cholesterol, and good breath.

If those are the results of an addiction, perhaps we need not be so afraid of “getting addicted.” Maybe we need more addictions like this.

A better word for addiction where matcha is concerned might be “synergy.” When we associate a behavior with good outcomes, the behavior just becomes a “good habit,” hardly an addiction. Then we can drink as much as we want.

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